I have to say I wasn’t wild about the end of Dr Horrible. I didn’t dislike it. I just didn’t like it as much as the first too parts. I think the songs were a little weaker which did not do a good job of highlighting the change to a sadder tone. I’m still buying the DVD though so I can’t wait for that to come out.
thanks missy
I’ve been trying to get my friend more involved with the internet for about 7 years now. Recently I seem to have made a lot of headway and now I’ve been getting some amazing love online. Always nice to see that come up in your RSS reader.
Fog Creek for an awesome open house
Thanks to Joel and every one at Fog Creek for an awesome open house. It’s clear why they are so well respected as each member of Fog Creek was extremely friendly, Joel in particular. Definitely the best hosted meetup I’ve been to in a long time.
Using your browser URL history to estimate gender
Using your browser URL history to estimate gender. I’m 99% male. The thing I find funny is that this is one of the few “gender tests” where I test very male. I usually have a high female bend to my habbits.
Five Awesome Complainers
With the internet more and more people are getting their 15 minutes of fame and more and more people don’t know what to do with it.
The Five Awesome Guys channel has been hugely successful surpassing The Five Awesome Girls by double with 20,000 subscribers. But on youtube even obscurity can bring horribly mean comments from perfect strangers.
The Five Awesome Guys have stopped making videos which is fine but in addition they have begun a series of videos where they talk about how much they hate their fans.
They will argue that they are only talking about a small part of their fan base but they are making a grave mistake by generalizing.
It’s sad when people are mean to you and I’m sure the five awesome guys are getting thousands of comments from a couple hundred users they wish they were not getting. But letting a small percentage affect your decisions will just annoy everyone.
Talking bad about your fans is never good. Stop being emo guys. If youtube hasn’t taught you to ignore bad comments then I don’t know what will.