Video Games Make Us Illiterate

Some Librarian thinks libraries shouldn’t not have video games because they are secretly making us illiterate. I have to say I’ve been playing video games for so long I could barely find the box on the shelf that read “Big Brain Academy”. But in response I donned my Steven Colbert hat and left this comment:

I also have a problem with all picture books. What’s with all the pictures? you can’t read a picture! Who are these toddlers fooling? Learn to read! My mother gave me A Tale of Two Cities when I was one year old and I never looked back. If Charles Dickens didn’t think pictures would help people read then neither do I. Also Egyptian hieroglyphs. These pictures masquerading as words are not fooling anyone. I am apart of an ancient order of Librarians who originally formed to ban these “texts” from the Library of Alexandria. How King Tut fooled the people of Egypt in to thinking they were actually reading I’ll never know. And that’s the Word.

TV Edition: Last Comic Standing

I plan on trying to document my TV viewing more.. mostly cause I’m starting to forget what the hell I’ve been watching.

I’m so happy that Iliza Shlesinger won last comic standing. Women comics have a bad rap and it goes to the core where a lot of comics don’t think women are funny either. Not only has she risen above the fray she won because she was picked on and got to preformed 2 amazing sets while every one else sat in the back room. Poor choice fellas.

also check Iliza out on The Weakly News

P.S. Get a new host LCS. Really.

draft of the 2008 Democratic National Committee platform

The draft of the 2008 Democratic National Committee platform is out and although it will be changed some here is my favorite part:


We will lift the veil of secret deals in Washington by publishing searchable, online information about federal grants, contracts, earmarks, loans, and lobbyist contacts with government officials. We will make government data available online and will have an online video archive of significant agency meetings. We will put all non-emergency bills that Congress has passed online for five days, to allow the American public to review and comment on them before they are signed into law. We will require Cabinet officials to have periodic national online town hall meetings to discuss issues before their agencies.

via Democratic Convention Watch