Hard for me to say this diet doesn’t sound like the worst idea ever even if it’s a little more work then I currently do.
Manny Santos My How You’ve Grown
New single from Cassie Steele. (lyrics). The song is ridiculous. I don’t think the N will help promote it. Why couldn’t just be a love song to Craig or something? (via)
Update: Haha… it seems this new album will be a bit of a different genera then the last one:
Natalie Portman’s Shaved Head – Sophisticated Side Ponytail
I’ve not really gotten in to NPSH but the below video is kinda of crazy awesome. The think I want to know for sure is if that’s really a Degrassi reference in the begging. I can’t think of any other J.T. that were killed.
natalie portman’s shaved head - sophisticated side ponytail from thatgo on Vimeo.
Last The Stack Episode at Pulp Secrite
Change can always be scary and I think all the The Stack fans are a little worried about their move from Next Networks to an new undisclosed location. They seem confident everything will work out but with out talking about the details it just makes everyone anxious.
New Degrassi Promo and Song
The new promo is out for season 8 of Degrassi as well as a clip of the new theme song, with vocals.
The plan is to have 9 new characters next season. Can they teach their writers to write new characters instead of haphazardly throwing them together and explaining their backstory in one liners? We’ll see as they are basicly writing to keep their jobs. A bad season and everyone is fired.