Flash is super hard and there really are not enough good tutorials out there. Kongregate has released some awesome flash tutorials on making a side scrolling shooter. They assume you know nothing about flash so it’s a great starting point.
YouTube Reviewed
I was in Alen’s blogtv channel and learned about YouTube Reviewed. It’s a new blog but youtube is in desperate need of people to follow all the memes and communities on youtube as it’s exausting to try and keep up on my own.
Gender and Hillary Clinton`s Campaign
As time goes on we’ll get to look even more in to how the media’s coverage of Hillary was sexist. Hopefully it can be researched enough that it might be better next time around. While I do think sexism was a problem and was horrified by the things many people said I don’t think sexism was “the reason” she lost. This is a great overview of things you might not have even knew went on during the election.
If You Forgot How Good Obama Was At Speaking
here’s a great example.
Just about my favorite band ever The Submarines were in Gossip Girl tonight! So awesome.
Just about my favorite band ever The Submarines were in Gossip Girl tonight! So awesome.