photo of me

Stefan Hayden

Stefan Hayden (contact) graduated from The College of New Jersey with a degree in Graphic Design. Currently in New York.

My top TV shows and my TVTime



A reverse chronology of my life


2020: Working at Splice. EVE Online. Final Fantasy Online.

2019: launch. Shutterstock start censoring in china and I quit.

2018: Shutterstock life time achievement award. MapleStory 2.

2017: Stopped Guild Wars 2 when gamer gate stuff happened.

2016: Voted for Hillary Clinton. Aloebud with Amber.

2015: Kid the Second. Moved to Editor at Shutterstock. Started Guild Wars 2.

2012: Kid the first. Stopped World of Warcraft, no time!

2010: Started at Shutterstock on Bigstock.

2009: Started at ShermansTravel. Bought a house.

2008: Started Books I Am Reading

2007: Got Married, best party ever. Worst SXSW ever. Moved back to Jersey. Started at Flugpo.

2006: First time at SXSW. Fire in our office.

2005: Got engaged. Worked 24 hours a day to graduate from the art department at TCNJ. Planed a concert for the College Union Board. Moved to Boston. Started working for Sconex.

2004: Month in Europe. World of WarCraft.

2003: Started as a Housing Assistant for Residence Life at TCNJ.

2002: Started as a Peer Assistant for Residence Life at TCNJ.

2001: Graduated from high school. Wait listed at TCNJ and then finally accepted, bastards.

1999: Everquest. It’s sad that this is so notable.

1982: I was born around lunch on December 31st so I did not interrupt the doctor’s new year eves party, or so I surmise.