I love covers: Katy Perry - Use your love (youtube because I can’t link to a specific song on myspace).
Current_: Here’s Looking At You
This is a really great project where two talking heads describe each other. It’s amazing how much you learn about a person just from hearing them talk about other people’s appearance. It’s only 7 minutes long but I almost feel this could be made to go on to a long time before I get bored of it. (via everyone seems to be linking this)
Hillary tears up on campaign trail
I always love it when people stop giving speeches and talking points and just talk like they are a human being. This is a great response to the question, “How do you do it?…How do you keep up beat and so wonderful?”. (via Feministing)
Weezer, Basicly
Diablo Cody recommended River’s Cuomo’s new album “Alone: The Home Recordings of Rivers Cuomo” and I’m tentatively excited. I’ve stayed with Weezer through the bad time but I can’t say I’ve enjoyed being abused. Pitchfork gave it an okay review if you ignore the number and just read text.
Fav.or.it: A New Social RSS Reader
I’m a total RSS reader nerd. Fav.or.it is a new RSS reader that looks like it is doing some really interesting things. Internally ranking posts by length of articles (sounds biased toward long posts). Integrating posts comments along with the ability to post directly to the blog. Even trying to take the focus away from individual blogs and more on quality content.
I’m so sad it’s in private beta as I would love to try thing out. I don’t think it’s amazing enough to make me leave google reader but it’s the first time I’ve been excited about an RSS reader in a long time.