Anil has alway been one of my many internet heros

Anil has alway been one of my many internet heros. He has a great post up about how marage is awesome.  Alot of the talk about marrage these days seems to be either from the gay community or the religeous community. Anil and I both come at marrage from an angle, one where the point is just chosing to spend all your time with one awesome person. So much of marrage has little to do with gender or race of the other person and much more about chosing someone to trust completly. I hope prop 8 goes well in California. I think it will but the polls seem relativly tight and I think if the libral state of California can’t pass this then a lot of other states are going to have an even harder time.

New Jersey Ballot Questions: Vote Yes and No

They are kinda of confusing and long so I will not be posting them here. Blue New Jersey has a post that says vote no and no. The Times of Trenton has an article that says vote yes and yes. The best over view is this League of Women Voters pdf (ick) that seems to have a fairly unbiased breakdown of why you would want to vote either way.

I am voting Yes and No.

Yes to the first question that seem like it will close a loophole in the law that lets the state take on debt without public approval.

No to the second question which would put more control to municipalities with join court systems when it come to choosing judges. This will probably stop more towns from joining court systems together (and thus cost more money) but all so lessens the impact corrupt apointies would have on local areas. I like my judges to have though a vetting process as possible and I think letting them go through the state senate would be best.