Twilight kinda sucks
The fact that online (and especially youtube) interest in Harry Potter seems to cross over with Twilight alot is pretty frusterating. Though as time goes on more and more “fans” seem to becoming at least down on the side of “awesomely bad”. Over at i09 they have a very good take down of why the movie is a faithful adaptation of a poorly written book. Hint: it’s mostly weak characterization.
Perhaps you have heard that Obama’s FCC transition co-chair is a WoW playe
Perhaps you have heard that Obama’s FCC transition co-chair is a WoW player. This is his character and here is some thought in to what his play style says about him as a person.
It’s amazing how many ways people can screw up voting
It’s amazing how many ways people can screw up voting. I’m not sure how they ever passed a standarised test either.
How To Subscribe To A Youtube Channel With No Videos
First off why youtube does not let you subscribe to any channel is beyond me. Second off finding out how to do this was much harder then it should have been.
All you need to do to subscribe to any channel is to change the username at the end of the above url. Let me know if you have any problems or questions.