This is a really great collection of a cappella versions of Beastie Boys songs. So many of their songs stand up with out any background music at all.
Christian Watson does his own review of the presidential candidates websites
Christian Watson does his own review of the presidential candidates websites. Good to see more people taking interest in suck a narrow topic. I agree on some points and disagree on others. The fact that he does not like McCains site makes me sad.
Bill Richardson: WebDesign Analysis

The Freakonomics blog linked to a NYTimes article (Times Select, those bastards) about New Mexico governor Bill Richardson and how he might be able to rise above the Clinton/Obama punch out and take the Presidency. He seems to have tons of experience and holds up very well against the Republicans.
What does his website look like? Very very red, white and blue. Painfully so. He didn't starting adding random colors like John Edwards but his design team committed to the presidential colors a little to strongly.
In general his design is all over the place. The layout is clean but the colors overpower it. The entire header is poorly done. The gradient on the red bar just seems cheezy and amature.
Oddly enough farther down the page it improves. His icon for Donate is one of the best designed things on the site and the stars next to the titles below are also a tasteful touch.
His Logo font is a standard democratic serif font with very soft, rounded serifs. Why so many Democrats use this kind of font continues to baffle me. A rounded serif just feels indecisive, as if they couldn't chose serif or san-serif. Republicans always do better with their hard serifs.
The website will not keep him from winning but it would definitely be a loss for future presidential websites.
This has to be one of the worst songs and music videos ever.
This has to be one of the worst songs and music videos ever. I was fine just ignoring Avril Lavigne until now but this is just bad. Though this cover of Complicated by Ben Gibbard is awesome.
Some great reviews are finally coming out for the Eames Era’s new album
Some great reviews are finally coming out for the Eames Era's new album. I have to agree with most of the article, I had a lot of the same criticism.