goes through a huge redesign. Very little flash makes the pages super fast to load. I remember not visiting specifically because the pages loaded so slow. The bigger news might be that they got rid of full page interstitials... my god I hope that becomes a trend.
Someone still loves you Boris Yeltsin (RIP)
Currently Reading: EarthSeed
I read EarthSeed by Pamela Sargent in junior high and loved it so much I wanted to steal it from the library. Instead I put in a request with amazon and 6 months later they found a copy for me (it was way out of print). Now for some odd reason it's turning in to a trilogy. So I'm re-reading it, and I never re-read, so I can finish this supposed trilogy. Follow what I'm reading at my What To Read list >>
Upcoming looks ugly
What were they thinking when they redesigned that header? I feel cramped just looking at it. I guess the logo doesn't matter much now that they are part of yahoo. They've really almost shoved the logo off the page and then also covered it with the main navigation.
I just hit the top of the i in the logo and keep trying to scroll up to get some breathing room. After their last redesign which was really nice it's sad to see everything go down hill.
Update: The Founder of is calling me out below to come up with something better. This is also the part where I make nice and say while I don't like the new design I'm still a big Andy Baio fan.
This is my blend of old and new. The header is even shorter then it is in the new design. It has more room for the logo and has a nice smooth gradient from the wonderful last design.

Some guy points out XHTML is not handled correctly by browsers
Some guy points out XHTML is not handled correctly by browsers. This might have been informative in 2001 when IE6 came out but now you might as well warn me that fly cars don't exist either.