Google Acquires Jaiku, Twitter Caught Blindsided

Google Love Jaiku

Twitter competitor Jaiku was just acquired by google. With Twitter having been the bell of the ball why did google jump Jaiku's bones?

Google could be trying to save money by buying the second most popular. But when has Google ever wanted to be second best? In that case Google thinks Jaiku is the better solution. Jaiku has always been looked down upon by twitter users saying it was too "feature heavy". Jaiku does offer more ways to include icons and outside feeds in to your own stream. Google clearly thinks features are the way to go.

In a world where acquisition is the exit strategy is the preferred method for successful startup this passover of twitter seems like a big slight to them. I look forward to twitter users saying google bought the wrong company and Twitter telling everybody they did not want Google to buy them.

Either way unless Twitter come out with some exclusive deal with myspace or facebook tomorrow they are going to seem like the losers in this deal.

Myspace Redesign

I don't check myspace every day so I don't know how new this is but if you log in and look up to the right there is a little link to a new homepage design. I must say it is light years ahead of the rest of the site's design.

People have been calling for a redesign for years now and maybe it's finally starting to happen. In general it's pretty clean and organized. good job myspace design team!

The Lucifer Effect: How Good People Can Do Evil Things

Okay, I really need to stop posting so many google talk videos. But I know most people do not have the inclination to watch the hours and hours of lectures from google to find the good ones.

Philip Zimbardo give an amazing talk about Evil and how good people can be made to do evil things. If you know a ton about psychology this might not be new but this talk really blew my mind. If you have any interest in the human condition this is totally worth a listen.